bkSMS software
SMS Without Mobile Phone     



  Why bkSMS




 Toll-Free SMS

 SMS in any Font




Integrated Internet sharing, Web accelerator, control & monitoring.


netMailshar, domain name, anti-spam, anti-virus, smtp, POP/IMAP

bkSMS - Benefits
Send SMS from your PC to any mobile
Receive SMS to your PC from any mobile



Reduce your phone bill

Sending a text is cheaper than the cost of a phone call.

Timely reminders

Ensure that clients don't miss their appointments. If a missed appointment would cost you time and money  then SMS is a cheaper way of sending reminders than any other media.

Convenient communication

It's much easier to send a message using your standard keyboard instantly than using a mobile phone  keypad.

Secure Messaging
Messages received are stored on your local system. You can be sure your information is confidential at  all times.


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